En primary school i Kagera
Katempris er en skole for børn fra 3 års alderen. Hvert år vokser skolen med en ny klasse så nu i starten af 2020 er der børn i pipi 1 pipi 2 som er de to børnehaveklasser. Samt 5 grundskoleklasser. de ældste børn er dermed omring 10 -11 år.
Hver morgen kører du med skolebussen til skolen og arbejder sammen med en lærer i en af klasserne. Engelsk niveauet er meget højt på skolen så det er nemt at undervise da eleverne forstår alt hvad du siger :-)
En dag om ugen skal du ikke arbejde, men besøge en anden skole og se hvordan de underviser der.
Du er med til at bestemme hvad du skal undervise i.
Du bor på sunflower som ejes af Anne og Brighton Katabaro som ejer og kører skolen.
På Sunflower deler i værelse 2 og 2 og i har eget bad og køkken og en anneks som går ud mod haven. Der er nu også mulighed for at bo i "Crazy House" som er bygget oven på en container udenfor, begge værelser i Crazy house har bad og så er der en lille terasse :-)
Sunflower ligger 10min gang fra midtbyen og der er 20 min til Sunset hvor der også bor volontører.
Katempris facebook side med aktuelle updates :-)
Volontørene har joinet koret på katempris
Undervisning to og to
Markedet i Kayanga til de daglige indkøb.
Spisesalen på Katempris. Der er lækkert mad og alle frivillige spiser med. Man går meget op i god og sund mad her på stedet.
Skolebussen kører frem og tilbage mellem Kayanga som er distrikhovedstedet og Katempris som ligger 3km derfra.
Mae underviser i computer
Karibu all volunteers at Katempris / Kagera!
Emma Pernille and Hilde (spring 2017)
We have decided to make this document in order to share some tips and tricks from our stay in Kayanga and our time as volunteers at Katempris. These are just some of the things we have learned during our time here, and of course you will also make a lot of experiences on your own. We hope that you will find it useful, and feel welcome to contact us if you have any questions!
Important things to bring to Kayanga:
Shampoo, balsam, bodyshampoo and deodorant, this is not easy to find in Kayanga and is also quite expensive
For the girls: tampons and pads, a menstruation cup is also really nice as there is often no water or any trashcan
Sunlotion and aftersun
Disinfectant for both hands and wounds, bandages
Snacks/sweets/especially oatmeal, you are going to miss it!
Spices for cooking at Sunflower
Adapter + powerbank
Warm clothes, it can actually get pretty cold (especially during the rainy season)!
Rain jacket
A thin sleeping bag is really nice when you stay at cheap guesthouses
Things to bring to Katempris:
Pictures for the kids to color, it can be copied in Kayanga (Anne will help you)
Straws and yarn, you can make art projects like bracelets with the kids
Feathers for creative projects
Different artifacts for creative projects - the kids love it!
Different children games
Books for storytelling
Simple puzzles (this was a huge success when we were there)
Places to visit during free-time:
Rubondo Island: safari - contact: +255762934967
Bukoba: beaches, clubs, good places to eat (try the restaurant Casanova), Coop hotel in Bukoba is really nice, costs only around 10.000-20.000 for a double room, and is placed just by the beach (were we by the way did swim without any problems)
Omrushaka: lots of Katangas, beautiful view (especially at sunset)
Katembe, Kituntu: the village of Brighton Katabaro’s parents
Katempris free-day projects:
Mama Peace: really nice daycare in Kayanga on the way to Omrushaka (they are so happy when you bring toys, posters etc. as the children mostly have old/broken things and very little resources)
Coffee farms
Tegemeo Privat School
Ndama Public School
Kampisi, Karagwe museum, you can also visit a really cool cave nearby Kayanga (they will organize it and take you there) - contact: 0712000056
Ask Anne for other suggestions
Places to eat in Kayanga:
Mama Shifa, foodmama who makes pilau with beans, vegetables and meat for only 2000, on the other side of the coca cola market hall
Go to the center around 19-20 pm and you will find lots of very cheap and really nice food mamas (it is a nice experience as you eat with all of the locals)
Bobbys Café
Roiders Café, fresh juice and nice food
Suggestions for creative afternoon and creative projects in general: