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Anbefaling i Tanzania
Det er fedt at få en anbefaling på engelsk direkt fra sin skole i Tanzania. Det skal du orden INDEN du forlader stedet. Det smarteste er at snakke det igennem med rektor på skolen, han har måske nogle formuleringer liggende som han kan bruge. Få det med stempel og det hele :-)
Anbefaling efter du er kommet hjem fra Tanzania
spørg Christoph på messenger om du må få en anbefaling.
SKRIV SELV DIN ANBEFALING! Nedenunder er der nogle udvalgte tekster man kan bruge. Gør det tydeligt hvad du har lavet, hvor mange timer du har arbejdet og hvilke fag og hvilken slags børn du har undervist i. Skriv der efter om dig selv i 3. person gerne nogle forslag hvad du lægger vægt på skal stå i din anbefaling. Skriv kun at du fx er "udadvendt" hvis du også er det :-) Men brug gerne store ord og vær ikke sparsommelig med gode adjektiver. Men hold dig til facts angående de tider du har arbejdet og de sprog du snakker :-)
I må gerne skrive min email adresse ( og telefonnummer (29417170) på.
Det viser sig at chatGDP programmer er supergode til at skrive anbefalinger. Skriv din anbefaling først selv så sæt den ind i robotten og få den til at skrive den i et "mere formelt" sprog. Det har jeg gjort med Mathilde Jensen fra Bernard her nedenunder .. man skal nok lige rette nogle af de helt svære ord tilbage igen :-)
Mathilde Nianjema Bagamoyo okt 2014 til dec 2014
undervisning i engelsk på pre form one arbejde med RANI kvindeprojekterne fra microfinans
Mathilde Søndergaard Hansen has worked as a teacher of Pre Form 1 at Nianjema Secondary School from October 2014 to December 2014. As a teacher Mathilde has been very committed and positive using different teaching methods in order to engage all the students and their different English level in the classes. By creating a safe and positive teaching environment Lea has participated in the great development seen in each student of Pre Form 1.
During this period Lea has shown great ability to adapt and live in a different cultural environment on various levels. Firstly her primary task: Teaching students english, thus cooperating with the other teachers at the school as well as the school leaders, designing her own effective programme using the scarce facilities available at the local school. Secondly: engaging in the work with the local community working with the schools RANI projects showing a great effort to understand the challenges from the local point of view assisted by her newly acquired language skills in Swahili.
Overall, she works profoundly, consciously and systematically. Mathilde is responsible and quick to learn. She is not afraid of making decisions on her own even under stress. With her kind, friendly and competent attitude, she is a good and reliable team player and a loyal worker.
She is therefore definitely skilled to work with intercultural communication, and in international
Mathilde Jensen Kagera Bernard Secondary school
To whom it may concern,
To whom it may concern,
It is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation for Mathilde Jensen. Mathilde worked as a teacher at Bernard Secondary School in Tanzania from August 27, 2026, to December 17, 2026, where she taught students ranging from 10 to 21 years old in form 1-3 classes.
During her tenure, Mathilde primarily taught English and mathematics, and collaborated with three other volunteers to foster a positive and creative learning environment in conjunction with the African teachers and school leaders. Additionally, Helena devoted a significant amount of time and effort to improve the school's atmosphere to create a healthy and optimistic environment for the students.
Prior to her departure from Denmark, Mathilde and her colleagues organized a charity collection for the school, which yielded a substantial amount of clothing, sports gear, and books. While in Tanzania, the volunteers also raised funds from friends and family, which were used to purchase calculators and other learning materials that were necessary for basic education and to help students excel in their exams.
Mathilde engaged with the local community and contributed to the school's RANI projects, demonstrating her dedication to understanding the challenges from the local perspective. Furthermore, she utilized her newly acquired Swahili language skills to enhance her communication with the community.
During her time at the school, Mathilde not only taught but also participated in sports and Sunday services, gaining a deeper understanding of the local culture and practices. She is a creative, serious, and fair teacher who employs fun and innovative ways of teaching to engage her students and meet their learning objectives.
Mathilde is an outgoing and compassionate individual who possesses excellent leadership skills, combining energetic and humorous social activities with professionalism to create a safe, equal, and inclusive learning environment for all students. She is a reliable and loyal team player who can work well in intercultural communication and international connections. Additionally, Mathilde has demonstrated the ability to handle groups of up to 100 students of varying ages and levels, and has thrived under pressure.
In conclusion, Mathilde Jensen is a highly skilled and dedicated individual who has made a positive and lasting impact on the school and its students. She is passionate about education and possesses a strong desire to make it accessible, understandable, and challenging to all students. I recommend her without hesitation.
Bagamoyo 2013
Preform one .. anbefaling til et legat
Jeg kender Marlene som en dygtig, engageret elev med en udadvendt og dejlig personlighed. Marlene har altid været god til at indgå i både små og større grupper, hvor hendes naturlige autoritet kombineret med god lytteevne og sans for humor har gjort hende til en god og populær klassekammerat. Hun er god til at tage initiativer, er god til at lede, men tromler ikke. Marlene har haft stor betydning for klassens sammenhold og sociale liv, og hun har altid kunnet finde en fin balance mellem seriøse studier og sociale initiativer. Jeg kan derfor kun give Marlene mine varmeste anbefalinger til stipendiet ….
I know Marlene as a skilled and deeply engaged student with a very nice and open-minded personality. She knows how to cope with both equal students and authorities. In groups as in the classroom she has a natural authority, and her ability to listen and to take initiatives has made her a very popular and valued student. She can lead and show the way, but she never degrade others. Marlene has had an essential role in the social life of the class and its unity, and she never had difficulties in finding a balance between serious studies and social initiatives. Not only in the class but also in different school initiatives, Marlene has been frontline figure. I would like to give
Marlene my warmest recommendation.
Mikkel Østergaard has worked as a voluntary teacher at Bukoba Hope Lutheran Secondary School in Tanzania from January 2022 to April 2022 in association with the exchange programme and cooperate organisation RANI.
As a teacher Mikkel taught students from age 12 to 18 years in different subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, English and Internet communication systems.
Mikkel entered a strong team with the permanent teachers of the school planning effective learning programmes for the students and arranging different social activities. This has required Mikkel to acquire skills in Swahili, engage in the local community and culture, as well as help with new viewpoints in various discussions.
Being a voluntary teacher at a foreign school such as Bukoba Lutheran Hope Secondary School which has over 500 students, also involves independently planning and carrying out class-based teaching as well as performing as a role model and creating a safe and positive teaching environment, abilities which came to Mikkel very naturally.
Mikkel has shown great ability to live and adapt in a different cultural environment and has been very committed and positive during the whole stay. He has practiced using different teaching methods in order to engage students and fulfill his primary tasks at the school. Mikkel has shown well-developed leadership skills combining energetic and humorous social activities with professionalism to create a safe equal learning environment for all of the students. Having had to handle groups of up to 100 students at different ages, Mikkel has shown the ability to lead and thrive under pressure. He has together with the rest of the Danish volunteer team made a positive and healthy impact at the school and helped establish a foundation for the future.
Mikkel has worked very professionally and systematically and have shown strong passion towards making education as easy and understandable yet challenging, depending on each student’s individual level. Mikkel is responsible, a quick learner and is never afraid to test himself or to lead. With his ability to cope and adapt in intercultural relations he has proven very competent and perceptive. He is therefore skilled to work with people and in intercultural relations to make the counterpart thrive and grow.
Yours sincerely
Monika Hansen Sørensen
Monika Hansen Sørensen har rejst i Tanzania fra d. 5 januar 2021 til d. 25 juni 2021.
Jeg kender Monika som en nysgerrig, social og engageret person der trives i uvante miljøer. Hun har udvist stor interesse for den omkringliggende kultur og for hendes medrejsende.
Monikas arbejdsindsats har haft stor betydning for skolen, lærerne og eleverne, da hun arbejdede på Katabaro Medium Primary English School i byen Kayanga de første 3 måneder i Tanzania. Ellen har været god til at danne relationer og hendes samarbejde har været højt prioriteret. Hendes sociale evner har medført at hun har deltaget aktivt i arrangementer med hendes kollegaer og det omkringliggende lokalsamfund i hendes fritid.
De resterende 3 måneder brugte Monika på at rejse tværs over Tanzania. På denne tur har Monika truffet en del forskellige samfund og problemstillinger som har forsynet hende på hendes videre rejse.
Monika har haft stor betydning for holdets sammenhold og jeg ser hende som værende en analytisk og reflekterende person. Derfor giver jeg mine varmeste anbefalinger til studiet.
Søren Jensen
Sommervolontør 2013 arbejdede især med computere både teknisk og pædagogisk på Nianjema Secondary School
Til rette vedkommende…
Søren Jensen har i sommerferien 2013 har været udsendt som frivillig til Nianjema Secondary School i Tanzania, som er venskabsskole for foreningen RANI på Egaa Gymnasium.
Søren underviste i IT for elever på alle klassetrin fra 6 til 19 år. På skolen havde Søren og hans rejsekammerater desuden til opgave at istandsætte skolens computere, som ikke var funktionsdygtige. Det lykkedes på den tid, Søren var udsendt, at få over 90% af computerne til at fungere.
Søren er god til at arbejde selvstændig og viser overskud og improvisationstalent når det drejer sig om at finde løsninger til både tekniske og organisatoriske problemstillinger. Han har udført alle sine opgaver upåklageligt, med et smil på læben og med masser af overskud, og har efterladt et godt indtryk hos vores samarbejdspartnere i Tanzania.
It is my pleasure to highly recommend Juliane Sørensen, who has worked as a volunteer for our student organization RANI. Juliane has demonstrated exceptional talent and passion during her time with us, specifically during the periods of March 2012 and January to April 2013.
During her time with us, Juliane showed remarkable dedication to organizing study trips for students from Egaa Gymnasium in Denmark to Bagamoyo, Tanzania. She was the contact person during their stay and organized various activities such as trips to Dar es Salaam, bonfires, and smaller projects in Bagamoyo. Her attention to detail and ability to coordinate made the study trips a success.
Juliane's commitment to RANI continued in 2013, where she served as the contact person for our various projects in Bagamoyo. She assisted the new volunteers in getting established at Nianjema Secondary School and acted as an intermediary between the students and the school staff. Her role was critical in ensuring the smooth running of the project.
Juliane's organizational skills also proved invaluable when she helped establish new contacts with schools interested in taking part in our volunteer project. Thanks to her efforts, we were able to establish sponsorships with BACCA nursery school, one of our main sponsors, and benefit the AMAP nursery school through the work with RANI.
Juliane is a natural problem solver with excellent communication skills. She easily communicates with people from different backgrounds, and her language skills are exceptional. She is calm under pressure, navigating through difficult situations with ease, and keeping her head focused on solutions rather than problems.
In summary, Juliane Sørensen is a hardworking, dedicated and talented individual who has left a lasting impact on our organization. She is an excellent team player and a pleasure to work with. It is my great pleasure to highly recommend her for any future opportunities.
Mikkel Ølenschlager Hansen has worked as a teacher on secondary level, teaching students from 14 to 19 years old in form 1-4 classes at Bernard Secondary school in Tanzania from January 2022 to April 2022.
His primary task was teaching students English and mathematics. Together with 3 other volunteers he has been cooperating with the African teachers at the school as well as the school leaders to create a positive and creative teaching environment.
Charity work:
Together with the 3 other volunteers Mikkel held a charity collection for the school. The money they raised was used to buy a color printer, a projector, and many books for the school. This helped elevate the level of the teaching/education at the school which was necessary for basic education.
Engaging in the work with the local community working with the schools RANI projects showing a great effort to understand the challenges from the local point of view assisted by his newly acquired language skills in Swahili.
In his work at the school Mikkel has been able to be serious and fair, creating a save teaching atmosphere spiced with fun games and competitions.
Together with the other volunteers he worked profoundly, consciously, and systematically. Mikkel is responsible and has shown great ability to live and adapt in a different cultural environment and has been very committed and positive during the whole stay.
Christoph Ridder
Egaa Gymnasium
Tlf: 29417170