Swahili files

How to learn vocabulary with flashcards

You want to learn all the vocabulary from the list below.

Create your cards:

Get Flashcards. Or sheets of paper that you cut into the right size.

Write all the words from the list below on flashcards and the translation on the back. You can download the pdf from this site for print and cut https://www.rafiki.dk/forberedelse/swahili/files.

But it is best if you take your time designing your flashcards by hand. You’ll probably learn 10% just by writing them down.


  1. Start by crossing out all the words you already know from the list below

  2. Write the word you want to learn on the frontpage of your flashcard

  3. Turn your card around and create a little memo on the left side of your card.

  4. Write the translation very small on the right side, or the other way around if you use your hands opposite. Try first!

  5. Do this for all the words from the list below that you do not already know.

Use your flashcards:

  1. Stack your cards on top of eachother and hold them in front of you

  2. Look at the first card “Nyama” , use your left hand and turn the card, make sure to cover the translation with your index finger.

  3. Look at the meme and try to remember, now look at the translation if necessary

  4. Put the card in the back of your stack

  5. If you know the word then put it on the “ I know this one” stack for later.

  6. Go through your “I know this one” stack in the beginning the next day you’re training.

  7. After 4 positive reviews, throw the card away with joy.

Use your flashcards two and two:

  1. Spread out all the cards on the table and sort into two stacks “ I know” and “I don’t know” discuss the word with your partner if you don’t agree with the choice of stack.

  2. Take all the words from the “I know” stack and read them to your partner for translation and visa versa

  3. Tak all the words from the “I don’t know” stack and discuss them with your partner, remember that reading the translation is always the last option!

If you want to use flashcard apps for your smartphone there are plenty on the market like CRAM.com or Flashcard deluxe. It is my experience that the pure act of creating the flashcards manually already counts for half the learning so if you have the cards and a pen use the physical cards.

Vocabulary page 1 - 12

Colour coding:

verbs = blue

food = yellow

greetings = green

relations = red

transport = reddish

time related = light purple

numbers = purple

adjectives = grey

Print and cut and create a meme on the backside of the card. You can find the translation in the dictionary below. Use the chart "List page 1-15" they should be all there :-)

swahili-dictionary - Page-1-15-print.pdf


Here is a link to a quizlet with the words above. Download the app to your smartphone or run it on a computer.

Here is a link to ALL the words of the course book :-)

This little quizlet has only a few words from the beginning of the book.

The whole alphabetical dictionary from the book below the pdf version and at the bottom of the page the whole spreadsheet for here you can use CTRL + f for search

swahili-dictionary - Google Sheets.pdf